Hello Dear Hearts, 

I hope this full moon finds you exactly where you need to be if even for a moment. And the next moment, and the next…

When your intuition tells you that what society deems as “success” is not at all what actually brings you joy and inspires confidence it can be hard to really have a felt sense of “I am enough”.

What I want to support and advocate for is that you being you and listening to what you truly, truly, truly want to be involved in, or not involved in outside any concepts of success or failure, is indeed.. enough.

Because you are. We all are. No matter how we shift and change or stay the same.

It’s so powerful to be able to be responsive to yourself and to be in a situation, particularly situations of hardship and “failure” knowing that you have the power to shift and learn from it and then share from that experience, which will ultimately benefit someone else. Deepening further into that sense of contribution and connection.

I’ll leave you with a favorite quote from this month’s episode of Knowing in the Bones with Jonathan Blake, inspired by Ram Dass:

Everywhere we are, there is an opportunity to walk with someone, whether it be even just ourselves or someone in our community. So as long as we're here, we're on the journey home. And I take that as encouraging”.

In this episode we walk with Jonathan on his dance with life from comedy, to drawing; weaving through philosophy and religion; navigating challenges with family and mental health, and stepping intuitively and with deep integrity into each new beginning - all the while continuing to come back again and again with each moment of learning and experience, to a place of self love and acceptance and over flowing with abundance and care for everyone he is in relationship with. He is so very wise. Open this episode and take a listen. You won't be disappointed!

Does this spark up something for you that you’d like to talk about?




BRAVE SPACE - Slowing Down and Taking The Time We Need