Wondering and Listening
On a walk in Nyack, NY
Hello Dear Hearts,
On this new moon, and as the back-to-schoolness of whatever part of your life is feeling particularly charged right now seeps into your awareness, an invitation: I invite you to notice how you are held by the environment around and inside you. Maybe go for a walk today, or grab a paper and pen (colorful ones!) and start a doodle. Allow yourself to notice what makes itself known to you. Maybe it’s a particular shape of a cloud or a particular way the light is streaming through the trees, a certain combination of words or shapes on a page that brings an interesting metaphor to mind.
Follow your nose. See where it leads you. What gets reflected back? I leave you with prompts for a “discovery walk” as described in Coaching For Transformation, by Martha Lasley, Virginia Kellogg, Richard Michaels, and Sharon Brown. If walking is not available to you today, I invite you to a “discovery doodle”. You can move your whole body, or just your hands over a page. The key is movement of some kind that feels easeful and good to you.
Go to a place where you wish to begin your walk or settle into a place from which to begin your doodle. (If you get another idea here for something to do, great! Do that!)
Take a deep breath.
Ask a question out loud. Possible questions include: “What is waiting for me?” or “What is the universe ready to offer me?” or “What is the best use of me at this time?” The question can be general or specific.
Let the question go. You don’t need to focus on it.
Notice where your attention is drawn and head toward that point with your body, or with your hands or whatever is moving you from one point of attention to the next.
As you move toward it, notice where else you are drawn and head there.
Continue this process, staying receptive to what draws you.
Do this until you find the place to stop - what place speaks to you?
Stop and pay attention to what is offered in answer to your question.
Offer thanks and gratitude.
That’s all for now.
Wishing you a bright and insightful new moon in all the ways that you need,
Remember my conversation with Dr. Ginny Baro on Knowing in the Bones? I was also a guest on her podcast, Visionary Leaders Circle. And we talked about why flexible and adaptive leadership is essential.